Elizabeth B. DiPalma* (b.Ohio, 1948) has been making art since a very early age.
Exploration is at the heart of my art practice: I follow the idea that interests me until I’m ready to do something new, sometimes looping back for another visit. This site is organized around ideas rather than media (or date), since there is often a through-line that crosses time and media.
Some things which have interested me consistently over time: the ways in which abstraction begets meaning; the natural world (landscape); the layering and relationship of colors and textures; mark-making as a language; and seeing the hand of the artist in their work. Chance is also an element in what I do.
1972 MFA in painting
1976 Moved to NYC, began showing in small venues such as Beucher & Harpsichords (Soho), and Parsons-Dreyfuss (59th St). Participated in the international Mail Art movement; created numerous small xerox books in limited editions.
1978 The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Connnecticut. Seventh Annual Contemporary Reflections exhibit, a showcase of newly emerging artists
1986 The Cooper-Hewett/Barney’s Special Exhibition invitational, “The Embellishment of the Statue of Liberty”, celebrating the 100th birthday of that iconic American symbol.
2016 Established a permanent home in the Hudson River Valley, and resumed making art.
Work in various private collections around the country.
*Worked as Elizabeth/Betsi Brandfass until the early 1980s.
selected group exhibitions
“Codes & Ciphers”, The Sketchbook Project, Brooklyn Art Library, Brooklyn NY
The Gallery at Chatham, Chatham NY
“Light and Shadow”, Spencertown Academy, Spencertown NY
aMuse Gallery, Chatham NY
Spencertown Academy, Spencertown NY
Art School of Columbia County, Ghent NY
“The Art of Collage”, Art School of Columbia County, Ghent NY
“Gratitude”, Woodstock Artists Association & Museum, Woodstock NY
selected juried exhibitions
“Influences and Inspiration”, Spencertown Academy, Spencertown NY
“Light and Shadow”. Spencertown Academy
“Alpine and Riverine", Woodstock Artists Association and Museum (WAAM) Woodstock NY
9th Annual Juried show, Adirondack Pastel Society LARAP, Glens Falls NY. "Prater Violet #2"
Radius 50 “Intimate Immensity”. WAAM , Woodstock NY
“Summer City”, NYAE , NYC. “Luminous Bodies #7”
10th Annual Juried Show,. Adirondack Pastel Society LARAP, Glens Falls NY. “Wet Dog Shake”